[c-nsp] Reasons *not* terminate PPPoE on 7500

Joe Maimon jmaimon at ttec.com
Fri Jun 22 09:04:37 EDT 2007

Kurt Bales wrote:

> Hey Guys,

> What I would like is a somewhat clear and medium-detailed reason to give the
> bosses as to why they should be buying 7200's when we already have a 7500
> here. Oh... And my current answer of "Just trust me!" didn't cut it last
> time ;)

While its definitely a valid point that you are being paid because they 
trust you and therefore they should "just trust you", somehow it doesnt 
work out that way everywhere.

While you will probably top off at a few hundred to MAYBE 1000 sessions 
at about 100-150mbps due to it being RSP switched (PPPoE isnt done in 
dcef, even though l2tp is), the 7200-NPEG1 will get you well past that, 
probably to 2000-4000 sessions at about 250-500mbps, plus BGP full 
tables (users traffic profile dependant).

You may get better than that, but those are the conservative numbers.

Furthermore, the 7500 is architechturaly limited to under 2000 sessions.

Add that to the limited future the box has, the large footprint, the 
power requirements, and it SHOULDNT be attractive.

Unless you want to do pppoe for a few hundred users at under 100mbps for 
no extra money, the 7500 is not for you.

(on the other hand, you could get a rackfull of 7505 for pennies on the 
dollar of one VXR-NPE-G1)

And the clincher is that as far as bugs and support go, the 7500 is 
where the bugs are and the support is only there reluctantly (I was 
going to say "isnt there", but that wouldnt be fair to the fine folk at 
cisco tac who have supported me with various problems on these boxes 
[albeit sometimes kicking and screaming]--Thank you, guys).

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