[c-nsp] 3750 - duplicate arp replies on SVIs with input ACLs applied

Calin VELEA vcalinus at hertza.ro
Mon Mar 26 18:40:59 EST 2007

Hello cisco-nsp,

  Don't know if this is normal or
specific to the 3750, but here is the

interface Vlan1540
 ip address
 ip access-group test-acl in
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp

The acl is as simple as:

xxxx#sh access-lists test-acl
Extended IP access list test-acl
    250 permit ip any any

  On a Linux box in the same vlan having IP,
I run:

arping -I eth1.1540

and for each ARP request, I get duplicate ARP replies.

root at router:~# arping -I eth1.1540
ARPING from eth1.1540
Unicast reply from [00:11:93:4D:C8:58]  1.346ms
Unicast reply from [00:11:93:4D:C8:58]  1.586ms

Unicast reply from [00:11:93:4D:C8:58]  1.375ms
Unicast reply from [00:11:93:4D:C8:58]  1.716ms

...so on

If I remove the input acl from the interface, things are
back to normal, one ARP reply per ARP request.
  I am seeing duplicate ARP replies even if I apply
a non-existent acl to the interface.

  I noticed this because duplicate ARP replies caused packet
loss in normal traffic for a few seconds, when the Linux box
was renewing the ARP entry for the Cisco gateway. As soon as I set up
static ARP for it on the Linux machine, the loss was gone.

  Running 'sh interface Vlan1540' shows  the "packets input"
counter increasing by 2 when the acl is applied, even if
the Linux box sends only one arp request (checked this
with tcpdump). It looks like the IP acl is duplicating the
ARP requests somehow.

  Can someone explain this behavior?

Best regards,
 Calin                          mailto:vcalinus at hertza.ro

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