[c-nsp] running ip default statements w/ ospf.

Elmar K. Bins elmi at 4ever.de
Tue Nov 13 04:57:00 EST 2007

oboehmer at cisco.com (Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer)) wrote:

> Hmm, looks like a bug to me. You don't need "ip default-network" with
> OSPF if you carry in OSPF, I'm considering this as a legacy
> command which shouldn't be needed in many networks.
> "ip default-gateway" is only applicable whith "no ip routing" (or for
> some platform's boot loader when booting from the network).

Much worse: Switching from "ip routing" to "no ip routing" lets
the box lose connectivity ( disappears, default-gateway
cannot be set)...same the other way around.

Consistent config/syntax would probably help, but cause other


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