[c-nsp] IP/MPLS Design Resource

Andy Saykao andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au
Sun Aug 17 21:09:47 EDT 2008

Hi Junaid,

Welcome to the world of MPLS. I'm currently going through the same thing
and have been designing and fine tuning our MPLS network for the past
few months. The guys on NSP are very knowledgable so if you get stuck,
try posting on the forum. Special thanks to Oli whose been helping me a
fair bit :)

Here's a book I recommend.
Read the first few chapters to give you a good foundation.

* MPLS Fundamentals by Luc De Ghein

Also nothing beats some hands on experience and these labs are a great
I used GNS3 to simulate these labs (http://www.gns3.net/). 

* MPLS Series - Vol. 1 - Basic MPLS

* MPLS Series - Vol. 2 - MPLS VPN

I also went through the Cisco PEC (Partner Education Connection) web
site and listened to most of this series:
* Implementing Cisco Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) 2.1 - EXPRESS


Andy Saykao
System Administrator
Netspace Online Systems
Ph : 03 9811 0049
Mob : 0401 422 406
Fax : 03 9811 0044
Email: andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au

-----Original Message-----

Message: 4
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 11:03:16 +0600
From: Junaid <junaid.x86 at gmail.com>
Subject: [c-nsp] IP/MPLS Design Resource
To: cisco-nsp <cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net>
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Can you please recommend/refer me to some good books/online-resource on
IP/MPLS design? I am thinking of making an investment and buying a few
books. Will appreciate if you can recommend any titles.



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