[c-nsp] EoMPLS with Port-channel with 8GE interfaces.

Maarten Moerman mmoerman at ebay.com
Mon Aug 25 09:54:26 EDT 2008


I have a kind of problem at the moment which I'll try to explain here.


 sw1 with 4 * GE--> 4 * GE @ r1 @ 10GE--> 10GE @ r2 4 * GE--> 4 * GEsw2

sw1 + sw2 = 6509 with 6748 blades
r1 + r2 = 7604 with 6748 blades, and their interconnects are on 10GE xenpaks
on 6704 10GE blades

On sw1 +2 I have:

Int port-channel1
Trunk encaps dot1q (multiple vlan)

Int giga x/1-4
Channel-group 1 mode on

On r1 + r2 I have:

Int port-channel 1
 mtu 9216
 xconnect <loopback IP other router> <mpls-tag> encapsulation mpls

Int giga x/1-4
 mtu 9216
 channel-group 1 mode on

However, I'm currently facing the problem, that I cannot exceed the bandwith
of that port-channel over 1gbit. The ingress is no problem, it tries to
send, but the other side doesn't seem to pick up the traffic.

Does this have to do with the fact that the portchannel on the routers only
see 1 source, and 1 destination address? So that it cannot correctly balance
traffic among 4 interfaces?

Anybody has an idea how to solve this?

Thanks in advance,
Maarten Moerman

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