[c-nsp] SNMP auth failure and malloc issues

Jay Young j1010y at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 14:16:20 EDT 2008

I was wondering if anyone has seen a similar issue.

7609 Sup720 running 7600s72033-advipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SRB3.bin

I am seeing lots of malloc errors after seeing a long running SNMP
querier who is unable to query my router.

Aug 26 12:00:38.136 EST5EDT: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of
332 bytes failed from 0x42081CA8, alignment 32
Pool: I/O  Free: 123760  Cause: Memory fragmentation
Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: No Alternate pool
 -Process= "IP Input", ipl= 0, pid= 191
-Traceback= 405BBFD0 405BC514 412630F8 41269850 42081CB0 42082188
420860A8 42080ED0 40951738 40952538 40951CF8 40951F08 409520D8
40948C74 41C112C4 4226E290
Aug 26 12:00:53.072 EST5EDT: %SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL: Authentication failure
for SNMP req from host X.Y.Z.21

I notice this on another box I was running a few months ago but didn't
get any resolution just got the offending host to stop and reloaded
the router.

I didn't see anything in the bug tookkit and we have a case open.


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