[c-nsp] loop-testing 10G with cisco?

Marian Ďurkovič md at bts.sk
Fri Dec 12 04:34:34 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:25:25PM +0100, Gert Doering wrote:
> ... ok, this doesn't work, but it gave me an idea.
> 1. configure a transfer network x.x.x.1/30
> 2. configure a static arp entry for x.x.x.2
> 3. "ping x.x.x.2 repeat 10000 timeout 0"

In fact you don't even need to bother with static ARP entry.
Just ping to the subnet's broadcast address :-)

   With kind regards,

----                                                                  ----
----   Marian Ďurkovič                       network  manager         ----
----                                                                  ----
----   Slovak Technical University           Tel: +421 2 571 041 81   ----
----   Computer Centre, Nám. Slobody 17      Fax: +421 2 524 94 351   ----
----   812 43 Bratislava, Slovak Republic    E-mail/sip: md at bts.sk    ----
----                                                                  ----

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