[c-nsp] bgp multipath-relax + dmzlink
bill fumerola
billf at mu.org
Tue Dec 16 19:04:05 EST 2008
bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
bgp dmzlink-bw
neighbor aa.bb.cc.73 dmzlink-bw
neighbor xxx.yyy.zzz.77 dmzlink-bw
interface bandwidth settings:
rtr1#show ip route aa.bb.cc.73 | i direct
* directly connected, via GigabitEthernet0/0.5
rtr1#show int gi0/0.5 | i BW
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 9000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
rtr1#show ip route xxx.yyy.zzz.77 | i direc
* directly connected, via GigabitEthernet0/0.3
rtr1#show int gi0/0.3 | i BW
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 55000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
bgp shows the proper DMZ-link BW:
rtr1#show ip bgp
2914 7018 46164
xxx.yyy.zzz.77 from xxx.yyy.zzz.77 (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 10000, valid, external, multipath
Community: 2914:420 2914:2000 2914:3000 36692:10210 no-export
DMZ-Link Bw 6875 kbytes
701 7018 46164
aa.bb.cc.73 from aa.bb.cc.73 (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 10000, valid, external, multipath, best
Community: 36692:10210 no-export
DMZ-Link Bw 1125 kbytes
here's the problem:
rtr1#show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "bgp 36692", distance 20, metric 0
Tag 701, type external
Last update from aa.bb.cc.73 00:24:40 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
* xxx.yyy.zzz.77, from xxx.yyy.zzz.77, 00:24:40 ago
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
AS Hops 3
Route tag 701
aa.bb.cc.73, from aa.bb.cc.73, 00:24:40 ago
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 10
AS Hops 3
Route tag 701
the traffic share count is the inverse of what it should be (1:10 when
it should be 7:1).
this is confirmed by cef:
rtr1#show ip cef int, epoch 0, RIB[B], refcount 5, per-destination sharing
sources: RIB
feature space:
IPRM: 0x00018000
GigabitEthernet0/0.3(14): xxx.yyy.zzz.77
GigabitEthernet0/0.5(15): aa.bb.cc.73
path_list contains at least one resolved destination(s). HW not notified
path 63DC37C4, path list 502C51E0, share 1/1, type recursive nexthop, for IPv4, flags resolved
recursive via xxx.yyy.zzz.77[IPv4:Default], fib 2A195DFC, 1 terminal fib
path 28F39760, path list 28ACD5A8, share 0/1, type adjacency prefix, for IPv4
attached to GigabitEthernet0/0.3, adjacency IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.3, addr xxx.yyy.zzz.77 5038CE40
path 28F3A664, path list 502C51E0, share 10/10, type recursive nexthop, for IPv4, flags resolved
recursive via aa.bb.cc.73[IPv4:Default], fib 2026A89C, 1 terminal fib
path 63DC5360, path list 502C6E90, share 0/1, type adjacency prefix, for IPv4
attached to GigabitEthernet0/0.5, adjacency IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
output chain:
loadinfo 63DBB918, per-session, 2 choices, flags 0003, 126665 locks
flags: Per-session, for-rx-IPv4
11 hash buckets
< 0 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.3, addr xxx.yyy.zzz.77 5038CE40
< 1 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 2 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 3 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 4 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 5 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 6 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 7 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 8 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
< 9 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
<10 > IP adj out of GigabitEthernet0/0.5, addr aa.bb.cc.73 5038CFC0
soooo.. is it possible to get working unequal load sharing across two
different ASNs? i wouldn't need the hidden 'bgp bestpath as-path
multipath-relax' if they were the same ASN, but if they were the same
ASN i wouldn't be trying to meet different target commit rates.
i tried to simply flip the bandwidths to get what i want, but that made
things even worse:
2914 7018 46164
xxx.yyy.zzz.77 from xxx.yyy.zzz.77 (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 10000, valid, external, multipath
Community: 2914:420 2914:2000 2914:3000 36692:10210 no-export
DMZ-Link Bw 1250 kbytes
701 7018 46164
aa.bb.cc.73 from aa.bb.cc.73 (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 10000, valid, external, multipath, best
Community: 36692:10210 no-export
Routing entry for
Known via "bgp 36692", distance 20, metric 0
Tag 701, type external
Last update from aa.bb.cc.73 00:00:33 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
* xxx.yyy.zzz.77, from xxx.yyy.zzz.77, 00:00:33 ago
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
AS Hops 3
Route tag 701
aa.bb.cc.73, from aa.bb.cc.73, 00:00:33 ago
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 48
AS Hops 3
Route tag 701
i set the bandwidth on the 2914 link to be 100:1 the bandwidth of the
701 link and no matter what, i always get the 1:10 ratio in the wrong
this is on 12.2(31)SB11.
-- bill
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