[c-nsp] Windows networking across subnets

Jason Gurtz jasongurtz at npumail.com
Tue Feb 19 15:24:25 EST 2008

> He will need a WINS server if he is wanting what I think he is (I'm a
> network guy but our shop is an enterprise windows 2003 AD setup).
> What he is most likely wanting is to beable to see other computers on
> differnet subnets through network neighborhood.

If cost of a machine is the issue, it may be worth mentioning that SAMBA
under Linux et al can function perfectly well as a WINS server to provide
cross-subnet browsing through Network Neighborhood.  Besides the browsing
I'm pretty sure there are some other edge/corner cases where WINS is still
a necessity.

Enabling broadcast forwarding just seems....eughhh.



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