[c-nsp] Telnet software with source port

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Mon Jan 7 10:22:32 EST 2008

On Mon, 7 Jan 2008, Ali, Rijas: BB UAE (IT) wrote:

> This may not be a Cisco question. But I want to test a TCP connection by
> TELNET. I need source port to be user defined and then telnet to a
> remote TCP Port ( My firewall looks for source port and then allows it )
> Do we know any utility for it.

It's not quite telnet, but if you're just testing the ability to open the 
connection, netcat should do.

  Jon Lewis                   |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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