Ulysses Maciel da Costa ulysses.costa at egs.com.br
Fri Jan 11 05:46:40 EST 2008


I've installed a new SFP module in my Cisco Catalyst from Finisar company to
link up with and Extreme Summit 48. When the system goes up, it send me this
two messages:


00:01:06: %GBIC_SECURITY_CRYPT-4-VN_DATA_CRC_ERROR: GBIC in port 65558 has
bad crc

00:01:10: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: gbic-invalid error detected on Gi0/21, putting
Gi0/21 in err-disable state


So I've disabled the errdisasble causes to gbic-invalid:


#no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid


When I configured this, the interface wasn't disable but the
%GBIC_SECURITY_CRYP pesisted. I founded an explanation for this problem:


Error Message    GBIC_SECURITY_CRYPT-4-VN_DATA_CRC_ERROR: GBIC in port [dec]
has bad 

Explanation    This message means that the GBIC module was identified as a
Cisco GBIC module, but it does not have a valid CRC in the EEPROM data.
[dec] is the interface in which the module is installed. 

Recommended Action    Verify that the software release that is running on
the system supports the GBIC module. If the GBIC module is newer, a system
software upgrade might be required. Even if the GBIC module is unrecognized
by the system, the GBIC module might still operate properly, but it will
have limited functionality. 

After that, my switch's status bring this printouts:



#sh interfaces gigabitEthernet 0/21 status


Port      Name               Status       Vlan       Duplex  Speed Type

Gi0/21                       notconnect   1            auto   auto unknown





#sh etherchannel detail

                Channel-group listing:



Group: 1


Group state = L2

Ports: 1   Maxports = 8

Port-channels: 1 Max Port-channels = 1

Protocol:    -

                Ports in the group:


Port: Gi0/21



Port state    = Down Not-in-Bndl

Channel group = 1           Mode = On/FEC          Gcchange = -

Port-channel  = null        GC   =   -             Pseudo port-channel = Po1

Port index    = 0           Load = 0x00            Protocol =    -


Age of the port in the current state: 00d:00h:03m:04s


                Port-channels in the group:



Port-channel: Po1



Age of the Port-channel   = 00d:00h:02m:08s

Logical slot/port   = 2/1          Number of ports = 0

GC                  = 0x00000000      HotStandBy port = null

Port state          = Port-channel Ag-Not-Inuse

Protocol            =    -




I've tried configure the port-channels, and insert the fiber cable, without
success, does not connect.


Please, someone knows something that I can do in the CatOS conff, than not
buy a new module?




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