[c-nsp] Port-Channel Setup Issues

Chris Kilian Chris.Kilian at aolbb.co.uk
Wed Jul 23 12:38:50 EDT 2008

Hi All

I am trying to setup a 4 port port-channel between a Cisco 7609 and a Cisco ME3400, despite various attempts to complete this I keep running into the same issue, although the physical ports come up the Port-channel wont at all, looking at the port channel itself it remains in a down/down status on the 7609.

The ME3400 is setup with the physcial interfaces as follows.

inter Fa0/1
switchport access vlan xxx
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
speed 100
duplex full
channel-group 1 mode on

The 7609 is setup as follows.

interface Port-channel1
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk allowed vlan xxx
 switchport mode trunk
 mtu 9216
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
Anyone got any ideas?

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