[c-nsp] Cat 3560

Stig Johansen stig.johansen at ementor.no
Thu May 15 23:47:39 EDT 2008

Jason wrote:
>I just pulled the SFP and it turns out it's an HP.  The vendor is 
>shipping me two new ones.  Can anyone give me a snippit of config with 
>SVI being used?

Try this:

ip routing
vlan 100
 name whatever
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 description << TLS 1G primary >>
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100
 switchport mode trunk
 speed nonegotiate
 no cdp enable
interface Vlan100
 description SVI interface
 ip address

best regards,
Stig Meireles Johansen

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