[c-nsp] OID to pick up Device Type of Cisco devices

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Mon Nov 3 04:23:07 EST 2008

> the moment you've created a SVI, the device is now behaving as a L3 
> switch a.k.a. its routing.

This may be true on the 6500/7600. It's definitely not true on for
instance 3550/3560/3750, where you need an explicit "ip routing" for
the box to perform IP forwarding.

> my understanding is that on something like a Catalyst 6500 the result of 
> ipForwarding _will_ change based on the above logic.

Seems reasonable for the 6500/7600, but quite *un*reasonable for boxes
like 3550/3560/3750 given the default of "no ip routing".

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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