[c-nsp] c3660: Utterly baffled by ROMs

Nicholas Linn nicklinn at nurro.net
Mon Nov 10 13:25:01 EST 2008


That is true for the 3660 it's just a standard 4mbit socketed PLCC flash.
As a matter of fact one of the first things I did (as I do with most of my
electronics) was download the image from the flash rom as a backup in the
case of corruption or failure.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Buhrmaster, Gary [mailto:gtb at slac.stanford.edu] 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:46 PM
To: Ted Mittelstaedt; Nicholas Linn; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: RE: [c-nsp] c3660: Utterly baffled by ROMs


> ...  BUT, many
> of the older Cisco routers DID NOT have this capability,
> you HAD to buy the rom chips from Cisco.

Actually, some of the older rommon images could be
downloaded from Cisco by "partners" and they could
write them to PROMs for their direct customers.

(And, of course, if you were of the mindset, and
you had a working rommon, you could put same into
the programmer and duplicate it; at least with
all of the programmers I ever owned you could do
that with ROM/PROM/EEPROMs, although sometimes
it was a multi-step procedure since there was
only one zif socket.)


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