[c-nsp] MAC Address Table Count

Manaf Al Oqlah manafo at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 13 05:46:06 EST 2008


I have a strange behavior on my mac-address table count. we are running L2 wimax network using Cisco 3750ME switches distributed on 60 sites and aggregated on 2 Cisco 7600 routers. the mac address table should be the same for all switches, since we are using the same traffic VLAN for all clients. the usual mac address table count is about 1600 which is the average number of clients concurrent sessions and shared between all switches and aggregated router, but intermittently the count decreased on all switches to be around 200-300 although the number of clients are still the same. 

any explanation for this behavior?

                                                 AGG1             AGG2
                                                     |                      |
                         |                  |                 |                        |
                     SW1            SW2          SW3 ............... SW60

Thank you,

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