[c-nsp] mpls ldp discovery transport-address

Mikael Abrahamsson swmike at swm.pp.se
Tue Sep 2 02:08:13 EDT 2008

> I've seen the transport address being used in some cases where the LDP
> router-ID is not advertised in IGP (for whatever reason), but these were
> corner cases..

I've had to use it when there were vendor interop-problems, the LDP 
session wouldn't come up otherwise. I even posted to the IETF MPLS list 
regarding the fact that I couldn't figure out where in the standard it was 
said what address should be used where, but I received no reply so I am 
still none the wiser how it should work so I know what vendor to tell to 
go fix their stuff.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike at swm.pp.se

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