[c-nsp] IPv6 Subnetting - Service Provider

Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at niif.hu
Thu Sep 11 15:36:54 EDT 2008

On Thu, 11 Sep 2008, Paul Stewart wrote:

> Hi there...
> In a SP environment, what's common practice so far with subnetting?
> Typically, in IPv4 today we use a /30 or /29 for point to point and each
> device has a /32 loopback...
> I've been reading a lot of different opinions and everyone seems to
> recommend a /64 for each link (router) or a server - why so large?  I'd love
> to see a layout of a few routers in a SP core network and how they've
> subnetted them....;)

- /64 if you have any chance that you want to use autoconfiguration (may 
be in the future) - for subnets containing lots of computers I definitiely 
would go for /64

- /126 you got similar to /30

- /122 in between /64 and /126 - with nice : boundary

- or nothing if you are satisfied by link locals - OSPFv3, IS-IS can work 
without global IPv6 address (even BGP can work on Cisco)

 		Janos Mohacsi

> Appreciate it,
> Paul
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