[c-nsp] ELAM capture on SRB

Rodney Dunn rodunn at cisco.com
Thu Sep 25 14:49:53 EDT 2008


Sorry for the delay..

See if this helps:

3#sh ip int br
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet2/10    YES manual up                    up      
R3#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, c7600s3223_rp Software (c7600s3223_rp-ADVIPSERVICES-M), Version 12.2(33)SRC1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 23-May-08 01:37 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(17r)SX3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

 R3 uptime is 1 week, 6 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 1 week, 6 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on (SP by power-on)
System image file is "bootdisk:c7600s3223-advipservices-mz.122-33.SRC1"
Last reload type: Normal Reload

cisco CISCO7606 (R7000) processor (revision 1.0) with 458752K/65536K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX1221GAQF
R7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Implementation 0x27, Rev 3.3, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 Cache
Last reset from power-on
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
33 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
1915K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
R3#sh ip arp
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet            -   001b.0def.7240  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2/10
Internet          175   001e.be8a.f880  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2/10
Internet           11   001b.0def.7280  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2/3
Internet           -   001b.0def.7240  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2/3

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms
R3#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R3(config)#serv int
R3#sh mod
*Sep 25 18:10:37.377: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
R3#sh mod | incl Act
  5    3  Supervisor Engine 32 10GE (Active)     WS-SUP32-10GE-3B   SAL1051BEKF
R3#show plat capture elam asic super slot 5
R3#$ elam trigger dbus ipv4 if IP_SA= IP_DA=         
R3#show plat capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
5    0   SUPERMAN 0    1.3    Y    
R3#show plat cap elam start
R3#show plat capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
5    0   SUPERMAN 0    1.3    Y    
elam capture in progress
R3#!send a ping
R3#ping rep 1

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
R3#show plat capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
5    0   SUPERMAN 0    1.3    Y    
elam capture completed
R3#!elam completed
R3#show plat cap elam data
DBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x3
QOS                              [3] = 0
QOS_TYPE                         [1] = 0
TYPE                             [4] = 0 [ETHERNET]
STATUS_BPDU                      [1] = 0
IPO                              [1] = 1
NO_ESTBLS                        [1] = 0
RBH                              [3] = b000
CR                               [1] = 0
TRUSTED                          [1] = 0
NOTIFY_IL                        [1] = 0
NOTIFY_NL                        [1] = 0
DISABLE_NL                       [1] = 0
DISABLE_IL                       [1] = 0
DONT_FWD                         [1] = 0
INDEX_DIRECT                     [1] = 0
DONT_LEARN                       [1] = 0
COND_LEARN                       [1] = 0
BUNDLE_BYPASS                    [1] = 0
QOS_TIC                          [1] = 0
INBAND                           [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSI                      [1] = 1
IGNORE_ACLO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLI                      [1] = 1
PORT_QOS                         [1] = 0
CACHE_CNTRL                      [2] = 0 [NORMAL]
VLAN                             [12] = 1030
SRC_FLOOD                        [1] = 0
SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0x380
LEN                              [16] = 118
FORMAT                           [2] = 0 [IP]
MPLS_EXP                         [3] = 0x0
REC                              [1] = 0
NO_STATS                         [1] = 0
VPN_INDEX                        [10] = 0x0
PACKET_TYPE                      [3] = 0 [ETHERNET]
L3_PROTOCOL                      [4] = 0 [IPV4]
L3_PT                            [8] = 1 [ICMP]
MPLS_TTL                         [8] = 0
SRC_XTAG                         [4] = 0x0
DEST_XTAG                        [4] = 0x0
FF                               [1] = 0
MN                               [1] = 0
RF                               [1] = 0
SC                               [1] = 0
CARD_TYPE                        [4] = 0x0
DMAC                             = 001e.be8a.f880
SMAC                             = 001b.0def.7240
IPVER                            [1] = 0 [IPV4]
IP_DF                            [1] = 0
IP_MF                            [1] = 0
IP_HDR_LEN                       [4] = 5
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x0
IP_LEN                           [16] = 100
IP_HDR_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_CHKSUM_VALID                  [1] = 1
IP_L4HDR_VALID                   [1] = 1
IP_OFFSET                        [13] = 0
IP_TTL                           [8] = 255
IP_CHKSUM                        [16] = 0x2640
IP_SA                            =
IP_DA                            =
ICMP_TYPE                        [8] = 0x8
ICMP_CODE                        [8] = 0x0
0000:  8D CD 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 3B AB CD            "..........;.."
CRC                              [16] = 0x0
RBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x3
CCC                              [3] = b100 [L3_RW]
CAP1                             [1] = 0
CAP2                             [1] = 0
QOS                              [3] = 0
EGRESS                           [1] = 0
DT                               [1] = 0 [IP]
TL                               [1] = 0 [B32]
FLOOD                            [1] = 1
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x406
VLAN                             [12] = 1030
RBH                              [3] = b011
RDT                              [1] = 0
GENERIC                          [1] = 0
EXTRA_CICLE                      [1] = 0
FABRIC_PRIO                      [1] = 0
L2                               [1] = 1
FCS1                             [8] = 0x1
IP_TOS_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_TOS_OFS                       [7] = 15
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x0
IP_TTL_VALID                     [1] = 0
IP_TTL_OFS                       [7] = 22
IP_TTL                           [8] = 255
IP_CSUM_VALID                    [1] = 1
IP_CSUM_OFS                      [7] = 24
IP_CSUM                          [16] = 0x2640
DELTA_LEN                        [8] = 0
 i0  - no rewrite.
FCS2                             [8] = 0x5B
R3#sh vlan internal us | incl 1030
1030 GigabitEthernet2/10
R3#sh ip ro
Routing entry for
  Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected, via interface)
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  * directly connected, via GigabitEthernet2/10
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
R3#!that was the frame on egress from the box
R3#sh ver | incl IOS
Cisco IOS Software, c7600s3223_rp Software (c7600s3223_rp-ADVIPSERVICES-M), Version 12.2(33)SRC1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

> The ELAM syntax that worked on SXF doesn't work on SRB though... Mind sharing
> how to do captures in SRB?
> --
> Tim
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Rodney Dunn <rodunn at cisco.com> wrote:
>     Yes. We use it all the time to match on ingress ip/mpls frames and see
>     what the rewrites are.
>     The complexity comes when you have to understand all the internal
>     dst_indx and internal VLAN allocation details.
>     Rodney
>     On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 01:51:50PM -0300, Leonardo Gama Souza wrote:
>     > Hi...
>     >
>     > Does anyone know if it's feasible to use ELAM capture on SRB throttle?
>     > I haven't been able to find it.
>     > I'd appreciate if someone can share additional information about it.
>     >
>     > Thanks much!
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