[c-nsp] 3750 and show mls qos interface <int> stat output

Peter Rathlev peter at rathlev.dk
Tue Apr 28 18:29:10 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 16:02 -0600, Clinton Work wrote:
> All the fields are there, I was asking about the column headers.  
> 3750# show mls qos int f1/0/15 stat
> FastEthernet1/0/15
>   cos: outgoing
> -------------------------------
>                 incoming        no_change    classified  policed        
> dropped 
>   0 -  4 :    96372939      4929270            0      8681542     16688309
>   5 -  7 :     1106025     10513898         3412
> Take cos 0-4 as the example, do the column headers match the 3550 "show 
> mls qos interface <id> stat" output?  

Is that from a 3750? The ones I have at hand right now haven't got that
extra line. I tried 12.2(35)SE5 and 12.2(50)SE. And the documentation
you referred to in the original post (12.2(46)SE) also doesn't display
that extra line.

Could it be a FastEthernet-specific thing? I don't have any 3750s with
FE interfaces I'm afraid.

And I have no idea how to interpret those headers. They're not column
headers; the five columns are the five different CoS values mentioned at
the beginning of the line.


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