[c-nsp] srr-queue bandwidth share on 3750

samuel vuillaume vuillaumes at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 16:33:55 EDT 2009


i was wondering and because i can;t test, in that case below

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 607

 switchport mode trunk

 srr-queue bandwidth share 1 59 30 10

 srr-queue bandwidth shape  30  0  0  0

  mls qos trust dscp

In case of congestion, let's say my queue 2 is free of use (empty) .... How
are my queues 3 and 4 gonna to use the free queue bandwidth queue 2? i mean,

with this configuration my queue 2,3 and 4 get the remaining bandwidth after
the queue 1:

queue 2, 59/99*66Mps = 39 Mbps

queue 3, 20Mbps

queue 4, 6Mps

so it means 39 Mpbs available to allocate to queue 3 and Queue 4... how ths
traffic will be shared between 3 and 4? ( i suppose it's related to the
priority of the queue)

Can you confirm?


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