[c-nsp] Need some help on figuring out bandwidth management

Steven Pfister SPfister at dps.k12.oh.us
Tue Dec 8 15:11:54 EST 2009

I've got a remote site connected to the central site for Internet access via 2 T1s to an ATM network. Voice has been allocated 800k of this bandwidth, and the rest is data. Network usage at this particular site has been growing within the past couple of months and at times bandwidth has been maxed out. I need some way to make sure bandwidth is allocated fairly. I'd like to be able to add more capacity, but that's not going to be possible right now.

One of the first things I thought of was unicast storm-control. If I went this route, I'm not sure what parameters to use. Right now, some ports are set to an upper limit of 5%, and some are set to 5k pps (the default value, I believe). This was all set up before I started here, and I've never really given it much though until this project came along. It looks like the upstream connection for that site rarely gets over 450 pps to the central site.

- Is unicast storm-control a good option here, or should I look at others?
- If I do use it, can someone point me to where I can find some help on the best settings to use in this particular environment?

Steve Pfister
Technical Coordinator, 
The Office of Information Technology
Dayton Public Schools
115 S. Ludlow St. 
Dayton, OH 45402
Office (937) 542-3149
Cell (937) 673-6779
Direct Connect: 137*131747*8
Email spfister at dps.k12.oh.us

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