[c-nsp] VPDN Problem
Sebastian Ganschow
s.ganschow at buelow-masiak.de
Wed Dec 23 05:16:49 EST 2009
Hi all,
we've got a little problem with our vpdn where we're stuck. Could anyone
explain the following debugging messages from our 7206 to me:
VPDN Vi12 disconnect (AAA) IETF: 8/port-error Ascend: 41/TCP Foreign Host Close
VPDN Vi12 vpdn shutdown session, result=2, error=6, vendor_err=0,
syslog_error_code=23, syslog_key_type=1
%VPDN-6-CLOSED: L2TP LNS viade-dbmg-lns closed Vi12 user username; Result
2, Error 6, Locally generated disconnect
What is the meaning of:
- 8/port-error Ascend: 41/TCP
- Result 2, Error 6, Locally generated disconnect
On CCO there is no information about those messages.
The session gets disconnected, if the upstream bandwith is exceeded. There
are two providers, who are delivering those vpdn sessions to us. We've
tried with users of them, but the disconnect only happens on our own LNS.
If the user is connected two the LNS of one of the two providers, the
session won't be disconnected.
Any Ideas?
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