[c-nsp] SNMP OID to see if a Tn interface is looped up?

Justin Shore justin at justinshore.com
Thu Jul 16 19:20:27 EDT 2009

Ryan West wrote:
> Justin,
> Give this a shot:
> http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2&mibName=CISCO-ICSUDSU-MIB
> That MIB contains values for different loop codes.


That looks like a very useful MIB.  I'll give that a try.

I looked at the source of the check_snmp_int.pl script for Nagios as 
well and noticed that it was built to handle 3 response codes:  up, down 
and testing.  On a hunch I looped up an unused T1 on a T3 controller and 
hit it with a snmpwalk.  Sure enough it listed the looped interface as 

IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.28 = INTEGER: testing(3)

check_snmp_int.pl also correctly detected the situation:

Serial1/0/10:0:TESTING: 1 int NOK : CRITICAL

So it looks like that plugin will do what I need if I can figure out how 
to make it only give a warning if the interface is in testing and not a 
critical alarm (warning for say 1hr; then escalate it send our alerts). 
  I want it to warn with no email for about an hour.  Then escalate it 
and send our the alerts.  Should be doable.


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