[c-nsp] Network Address Response

Geoffrey Pendery geoff at pendery.net
Fri Jun 26 10:04:39 EDT 2009

No, I think he's asking why the router with address responds
to pings that have a destination IP of  The echo request is
targeted at a network address, not at the router.

I've also observed this behavior (more than ICMP though - I have a
router responding to SNMP and being discovered by our configuration
management team, on the network address of one of its interfaces) and
would like to know more about why...


On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Ms Geekgirl<msgeekgirl at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Ray Burkholder<ray at oneunified.net> wrote:
>> I was wondering the reasoning for routers/switches to respond for the
>> network portion of an ip-address range.
>> For example, a router interface A with and interface B with
>> Generate a ping from a device several hops away on the A side to the B side
>> network address of The router will respond with an echo reply
>> with an address of
>> Is this expected behaviour? And the reason?
>> Ray
> Yes.
> By default. you will almost always get a response from the closest interface
> to the source of the ping (*unless instructed otherwise in each hop's
> configuration.)
> In your example, this is what that looks like. Somewhat simplistic and others
> may have a better response, but here goes...
> The echo-request is sent from c1 to the IP assigned to intB
> on dest-rtr.
> dest-rtr will receive the echo-request on intA, forward to intB.
> dest-rtr will lookup the best return route to your network. The return route
> chosen is towards hop2, via intA and the packet is sent out through intA.
>  |    >     >     >     >    >    path of echo request > |
>  ^                                                       v
> [c1-B]----[A-hop1-B]----[A-hop2-B]----[(intA) dest-rtr (intB)]----[A-c2]
>  ^                                       v
>  | <    <    <    path of reply  <    <  |
> If you were to ping c2, the response would come from c2's IP (since this
> node only has one IP and is the closest to you :)
> In anticipation of a possible traceroute question, the same applies.
> If you were to trace to c2, the responses* would all come from the closest
> interface towards c1. In the above, all the responses would come from the
> _A_ interfaces of each hop.
> If c2 were to ping/trace to c1, the responses would come from the _B_
> interfaces of each hop.
> I hope that I haven't confused anything and that this was helpful for you.
> - - -
> mgg
> Like a seedling in the Spring, green and vulnerable.
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