[c-nsp] Strange FLOW behaviour on ATM interface

Andy Saykao andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au
Tue May 12 00:28:27 EDT 2009

Hi All,
I have a strange flow issue for a number of our ATM customers. The
config is identicle for all customers but what I'm finding is that flows
for certain customers are not being collected in the download direction
to the customer.
1/ Working example:
Me pinging customer RED's IP (210.15.230.BB) from my shell
> ping 210.15.230.BB
PING 210.15.230.BB (210.15.230.BB): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 210.15.230.BB: icmp_seq=0 ttl=62 time=4.902 ms
64 bytes from 210.15.230.BB: icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=4.498 ms

I'm seeing bi-drectional flows, all is good:
agr1-ks-mel#sh ip cache flow | inc 210.15.210.XX
Gi0/0.11      210.15.210.XX   AT1/0.303693  210.15.230.BB  01 0000 0800
AT1/0.303693  210.15.230.BB  Gi0/0.11      210.15.210.XX   01 0000 0000

Interface config for customer RED:
interface ATM1/0.303693 point-to-point
 description Customer RED
 bandwidth 4000
 ip address 210.15.230.AA
 ip flow ingress
 atm route-bridged ip
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 10/208
  ubr 4096
  encapsulation aal5snap
2/ Non Working Example
Me pinging customer BLUE's IP (210.15.225.KK) from my shell
> ping 210.15.225.KK
PING 210.15.225.KK (210.15.225.KK): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 210.15.225.KK: icmp_seq=0 ttl=61 time=9.820 ms
64 bytes from 210.15.225.KK: icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=9.379 ms

Only seeing one way flow in the upload direction, not so good (because
we don't bill for this data).
agr1-ks-mel#sh ip cache flow | inc 210.15.210.XX
AT1/0.305357  210.15.225.KK    Gi0/0.11      210.15.210.XX   01 0000
0000     5
Interface config for customer BLUE:
interface ATM1/0.305357 point-to-point
 description Customer BLUE
 bandwidth 2000
 ip address 210.15.225.JJ
 ip flow ingress
 atm route-bridged ip
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 10/356
  ubr 2048
  encapsulation aal5snap 
I don't get it. Identicle configs but we don't see bi-directional flows
for customer BLUE???
Here's the physical ATM config:
interface ATM1/0
 bandwidth 155000
 no ip address
 ip flow ingress
 no ip mroute-cache
 load-interval 30
 no atm auto-configuration
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
 no atm address-registration
 no atm ilmi-enable
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap

We are running 12.2(31)SB13 on a 7301.
Just wondering if anyone's seen this before or have any ideas what might
be causing this.

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