[c-nsp] dmzlink-bw and ebgp-multihop 2

Gary Stanley gary at velocity-servers.net
Sat Nov 7 04:56:28 EST 2009

I have a very unusual network setup, ISP-A requires me to have 
ebgp-multihop of 2 because we're not physically connected (we seem to 
be 2 hops away)

Anyways, is there some kind of design implementation to use to make 
dmzlink-bw work? neighbor disable-connected-check only works if 
you're 1 hop from a ebgp session, dmzlink-bw works fine on ISP-B's 
session (3356). Currently I'm using "bgp bestpath as-path 
multipath-relax" but the traffic ratios are costing me money, and we 
do not have the memory to take full tables, or partials (only 32k 
max) or the money to afford to buy a huge switch just for memory

Anyone have some suggestions?


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