[c-nsp] best practices switches/Router
tayfun.sari at superonline.net
Tue Oct 13 03:31:54 EDT 2009
After adding the etherchannel configuration between the switches ME3400 and Cisco3600,we were unable to ping and test the L3 connectivity.But when we verify that mac addressses could be determined by the devices successfully.Could you please investigate and inform us as soon as possible?
ME3400 Version 12.2(46)SE:
interface Port-channel3
description test
port-type nni
switchport access vlan 150
interface FastEthernet0/1
port-type nni
switchport access vlan 150
channel-group 3 mode on
interface Vlan150
ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
3600 Version 12.4(23):
interface Port-channel3
ip address
no ip redirects
interface FastEthernet4/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
channel-group 3
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