[c-nsp] ES20 - Port Queues

Anthony McGarry anthony.mcgarry at plannet21.ie
Wed Sep 30 11:15:49 EDT 2009


Thanks for the very complete explanation.

I have a similar policy-map attached to the interfaces on the ES20s.
For this particular 1GB link I can see the queue-limit by default is not 
sufficient for the bandwidth of 120000k I have for this class.

Class-map: qos-cos4 (match-any)
      7403774 packets, 10083940188 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 88244000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: cos  4
      queue limit 6635 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 7450680/10147826160
      bandwidth 120000 kbps

With this queue limit I could only pass 13588k of traffic before tail drops
However I see a 5 min offered rate of 88224k with no tail drops.
Is this because the link is not under congestion?

 From the calculations below I have now set the queue limit manually

120000 x 1000 = 120000000
120000000/8 = 15000000
15000000/256 = 58593.75

Class-map: qos-cos4 (match-any)
      12103420 packets, 16484858040 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 96063000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: cos  4
      queue limit 60000 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 12103420/16484858040
      bandwidth 120000 kbps

I also noticed on my priority queue that the queue limit is always set 
to 66 packets by default.
I am assuming this is to reduce latency for rtp but by the above logic 
that would equal 135.168k before tail drops
and I am seeing 287k with no drops.

queue stats for all priority classes:
      queue limit 66 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 229339/49963294

    Class-map: qos-cos5 (match-any)
      229339 packets, 49963294 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 287000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: cos  5
          cir 50000000 bps, bc 1562500 bytes
        conformed 226069 packets, 49250874 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        conformed 286000 bps, exceed 0000 bps
      Priority: Strict, b/w exceed drops: 0

I believe you when you say the queue limit could cause drops as the 
logic is sound but I can't see any impact from the outputs above. maybe 
I' missing something.


Byrd, William wrote:
> I usually don't reply to the list but I think this information could save
> a lot of hours of someone's life.
> The ES20 is a WAN card and not a switch card like the 6748 although it
> does have switch card functionality. The QoS we use on these cards is all
> done with the MQC and the queues are completely unlike any other Cisco
> card.
> Here's what we dug out on these cards after a protracted TAC case and in
> depth work with the Cisco BU.
> Full disclosure: This information is from a document that a colleague put
> together here after working with TAC so I can't take credit for it. It is
> tested and known to be working however and I have slightly edited it to
> remove the company specific information.
> Excerpt from the document:
> ES20 QoS Queue Limit
> The queue limit is the amount of buffer or queue space allocated to a
> class of traffic in a service policy.  The queue limit for the ES20 line
> card is designed around a 256 byte datagram buffer space rather than an
> actual per packet buffer as the syntax indicates.  This means that a 1500
> byte packet will take up 6 “packet” buffers in the class’s queue. 
> If traffic for a class arrives at a higher rate than the queue can be
> emptied the queue begins to fill.  Once the queue is full the traffic will
> begin to tail drop in which all traffic arriving will be dropped until the
> queue empties.  This indicates that if a class bursts traffic above the
> queue limit (even if it is below the reserved bandwidth) the class will
> begin to drop traffic.  The default queue limit is calculated
> automatically and we have found that the default queue limit is not always
> sufficient to accommodate the class’s reserved bandwidth.  To calculate
> the appropriate queue limit for a class’s bandwidth reservation use the
> following equation:
> Kbps x 1000/8 = bytes per second
> Once you have the kilobits converted to bytes you must then calculate the
> queue limit as follows:
> Bytes/256 = queue limit
> An example of this issue arose on a subrated Gigabit Ethernet service
> policy on a DS3 over Gigabit Ethernet link.
>   Policy Map SubRateGE-DS3-ES20
>     Class class-default
>       Average Rate Traffic Shaping
>       cir 39000000 (bps)
>       service-policy IPUPLINK-ES20
>   Policy Map IPUPLINK-ES20
>     Class VOICE-RTP
>       priority
>      police cir 19500000 bc 609375 be 609375
>        conform-action transmit
>        exceed-action drop
>       bandwidth 3900 (kbps)
>     Class MGMT
>       bandwidth 1950 (kbps)
>       bandwidth 3900 (kbps)
>     Class ROUTING
>       bandwidth 1950 (kbps)
>     Class class-default
> This is an example of a nested or hierarchical policy in which the
> “parent” (SubRateGE-DS3-ES20) calls on a “child” (IPUPLINK-ES20)
> policy.  In this scenario the parent policy is shaping the traffic to a
> rate of 39Mbps while the child policy allocates that bandwidth to each
> class of traffic proportionate to the class’s bandwidth reservation.
> The first class specified VOICE-RTP is given priority due to the delay
> sensitive nature of voice traffic and policed to 19500Kbps which is 50% of
> the available bandwidth.  The traffic is policed to prevent the voice
> traffic from starving the other classes.  The remaining defined classes
> receive a bandwidth reservation of 1950Kbps or 3900Kbps which is 5% and
> 10% of the available bandwidth.  The remaining bandwidth is available to
> the class-default which matches any traffic not matched in a more specific
> class.
> When we let the IOS calculate the queue limits for us, we ended up with
> the following queue limits:
> router#show policy-map interface g9/0/4.3201
>  GigabitEthernet9/0/4.3201
>   Service-policy output: SubRateGE-DS3-ES20
>   Counters last updated 00:00:00 ago
>     Class-map: class-default (match-any)
>       159917414 packets, 82219665048 bytes
>       30 second offered rate 1589000 bps, drop rate 1000 bps
>       Match: any
>       Queueing
>       queue limit 9750 packets
>       (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/88553/0
>       (pkts output/bytes output) 159829710/82141730024
>       shape (average) cir 39000000, bc 156000, be 156000
>       target shape rate 39000000
>       Service-policy : IPUPLINK-ES20
>       Counters last updated 00:00:00 ago
>         queue stats for all priority classes:
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 80837512/17506671967
>         Class-map: VOICE-RTP (match-any)
>           80836920 packets, 17506542957 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 720000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>           Match: ip precedence 7
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 7
>           Match: ip precedence 5
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 5
>           Priority: Strict, burst bytes 487500
>           police:
>               cir 19500000 bps, bc 609375 bytes, be 609375 bytes
>             conformed 80837512 packets, 17506671967 bytes; actions:
>               transmit
>             exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
>               drop
>             violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
>               drop
>             conformed 573000 bps, exceed 0 bps, violate 0 bps
>         Class-map: VOICE-SIGNALLING (match-any)
>           155279 packets, 89526994 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>           Match: ip precedence 3
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 3
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 155279/89526994
>           bandwidth 3900 kbps
>         Class-map: MGMT (match-any)
>           50389 packets, 3274933 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>           Match: access-group name MGMT-TELNET
>           Match: ip precedence 2
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 2
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 50389/3274933
>           bandwidth 1950 kbps
>         Class-map: PREMIUM-CUSTOMER (match-any)
>           12515000 packets, 14194344547 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 3000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>           Match: ip precedence 1
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 1
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 12515002/14194345277
>           bandwidth 3900 kbps
>         Class-map: ROUTING (match-any)
>           871200 packets, 187824161 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 5000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>           Match: ip precedence 6
>           Match: mpls experimental topmost 6
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 871216/187827176
>           bandwidth 1950 kbps
>         Class-map: class-default (match-any)
>           65488626 packets, 50238151456 bytes
>           30 second offered rate 856000 bps, drop rate 1000 bps
>           Match: any
>           Queueing
>           queue limit 66 packets
>           (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/88553/0
>           (pkts output/bytes output) 65400312/50160083677
> From the above output you can see that the IOS calculated a queue limit of
> 66 “packets” for each of the defined classes and the class-default. 
> Using the above method we can see that this leaves only enough buffer
> space to accommodate 135Kbps for each class.   This was causing drops
> during bursts of traffic that were not exceeding the available bandwidth.
> If you apply the above calculation to the reserved bandwidths you get the
> following queue limits:
> Reservation of 1950 Kbps:
> 1950 x 1000 = 1950000
> 1950000/8 = 243750
> 243750/256 = 952.1484375
> 1950 Kbps requires 952.1484375 256 byte buffers
> Reservation of 3900 Kbps
> 3900 x 1000 = 3900000
> 39000000/8 = 4875000
> 487500/256 = 1904.296875
> 3900 Kbps requires 1904.296875 256 byte buffers
> We will then add a little extra buffer space to each class to ensure
> adequate buffers and simplify configuration.
> 1950 = 1000
> 3900 = 2000
> That leaves us with allocating buffer space to the class-default.  If you
> calculate the buffer space needed for the entire shape rate it will come
> out to queue limit of approximately 20000. If you subtract the buffer
> space already allocated to the other classes you will be left with 14000. 
> This will be assigned as the queue limit for the class-default.
> In order to change the queue limit for a class use the following procedure:
> router#configure terminal
> Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
> router(config)#policy-map IPUPLINK-ES20
> router(config-pmap)#class VOICE-SIGNALLING
> router(config-pmap-c)#queue-limit 2000
> router(config-pmap-c)#end
> Below is the IPUPLINK-ES20 policy map with the adjusted queue limits:
>   Policy Map IPUPLINK-ES20
>     Class VOICE-RTP
>       priority
>      police cir 19500000 bc 609375 be 609375
>        conform-action transmit
>        exceed-action drop
>       bandwidth 3900 (kbps)
>       queue-limit 2000 packets
>     Class MGMT
>       bandwidth 1950 (kbps)
>       queue-limit 1000 packets
>       bandwidth 3900 (kbps)
>       queue-limit 2000 packets
>     Class ROUTING
>       bandwidth 1950 (kbps)
>       queue-limit 1000 packets
>     Class class-default
>       queue-limit 14000 packets
> Your mileage may vary but this fixed a particularly troublesome issue for
> us and I think everyone should keep this in mind when working with these
> cards.
> We had some very bad degraded service events where we thought we had
> plenty of bandwidth during a failure scenario but in reality could only
> get approximately 75% of the loop bandwidth due to the queue depths we had
> configured on our service policies prior to these changes.
> -Will
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anthony McGarry" <anthony.mcgarry at plannet21.ie>
> Sent: Wed, September 30, 2009 4:59
> Subject:Re: [c-nsp] ES20 - Port Queues
> Hi,
> I have a 7609 with a WS-X6748-GE-TX. When I show the port capabilities I
> can see rx-(1q8t), tx-(1p3q8t)
> If I show queueing on an interface I see all the WRED and WRR queue
> configuration.
> This is great, I can make changes and view changes.
> I also have an ES20 and ES20+ line card in the chassis. When I show the
> port capabilities I see x-(NotDef-t), tx-(NotDef-t)
> When I show queueing on an interface I see nothing for the ES20. For the
> ES20+ I get
> Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin
>   Port QoS is enabled
>   Port is untrusted
>   Extend trust state: not trusted [COS = 0]
>   Default COS is 0
> So the ES20 tells me nothing and the ES20+ only shows a subset of what I
> see with the WS-X6748-GE-TX.
> Is there something I am missing in my config to show what queues I have
> available on the ES line cards '(1p3q8t)'
>  From reading the line card configuration guides I can see ingress
> scheduling is not supported and egress is but when I configure a egress
> policy-map with my random-detect configuration I still see no queueing
> info for the ports.
> Thanks
> Anthony
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