[c-nsp] SXH7 funny

Daniel Suchy danny at danysek.cz
Thu Apr 8 10:35:59 EDT 2010

I have two notes to Shimol post:

- sometimes I saw, that there's bug ID referenced in some release notes,
but there're no detailed informations available in bug tool (for example
CSCsk67395 referenced in 12.2(53)SG release notes from end of March, but
marked as cisco-employee only to these days)... I really don't
understand why...

- also, several times I experienced software problem, I had TAC case
opened, spent long time (we're talking abou several weeks) in discussion
with TAC to acknowledge "new" problem and then we discovered, that we're
hit by already known bug repaired in another train. Hiding bugs
efectivelly increases time of case resolution, in my experinece. There's
no way to find already known problem, if bug is hidden, even if
(experienced) customer tries to do some self-support...


On 04/08/2010 03:17 PM, Shimol Shah wrote:
> If a bug is found in dev-test it is marked as internal and fix is put
> in. Later if someone in the field hit the same bug, then it is made
> external.
>> Is it normal to hide all the bugs at Cisco?

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