[c-nsp] IP communication problem

Christopher J. Wargaski wargo1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 19:19:00 EDT 2010


I have a 2801 router at a remote location and am trying to bring up a
100 Mpbs wireless (point to point) backup connection between the
router and a routing switch at the main

(FS14 2801 router)<--->(FS14 3560G layer 2 switch)<~~radio link #1~~>
(2955 layer 2 switch)<~~radio link #2~~>(FS13 3560G routing switch)

>From the FS13 3560G I can ping the vlan interface on the 2955 switch.

>From the FS13 3560G I can not ping the IP address on the subinterface
of the FS14 2801 router.

FS14 router subinterface:
interface FastEthernet0/0.501
 description Uplink to point to point wireless link
 encapsulation dot1Q 501
 ip address

3560G interface:
interface Vlan501
 description Wireless link to FS14
 ip address

>From either location, I am not able to ping the Vlan 501 peer.

>From the 2955 switch in the middle, I can ping a Vlan503 interface on
the 3560G. Also, I see the both the 2560G and the 2801 in the CDP
neighbor output.

With debugs enabled on the router, I try to ping an IP address on the
same network and see the following in the logs:

17w2d: IP: tableid=0, s= (local), d=
(FastEthernet0/0.501), routed via RIB
17w2d: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0.501),
len 100, sending
17w2d: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0.501),
len 100, encapsulation failed

Any thoughts?


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