[c-nsp] OT: Plea for [snip]

Dominik Bay d.bay at rrbone-bb.net
Tue Aug 17 17:04:22 EDT 2010

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:44:20 -0700
Jay Hennigan <jay at west.net> wrote:

> It is a slippery slope.  His is a worthy cause.  People are in need,
> no question about it.  However if everyone with a worthy cause posted
> to every unrelated forum, the signal-to-noise would become
> overwhelming.

I would rather know how infrastructure problems are currently handled
there, specifically telecommunication. My encounters in the "western
world" are kind of soft in flooding/storm situations. Even Haiti was
not that hard as pre-earthquake infrastructure was pretty good opposed
to Pakistan, but still challenging organizational-wise.

Although this is off-topic too, it's more related to our daily work.

kind regards, dominik.

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