[c-nsp] incoming queue

Peter Rathlev peter at rathlev.dk
Wed Aug 18 16:15:19 EDT 2010

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 15:01 -0400, P.A wrote:
> Peter, see below for more info. But I have "mls qos trust dscp" on
> most interfaces, "mls qos trust cos" will only work on trunks and I'm
> using routed/access ports.

I can apply "mls qos trust cos" fine to both access and routed ports. I
do see though that you need to (sorry if this is too trivial)

1) apply "mls qos trust cos" to all ports on the ASIC. ("show interface
   GiX/Y | incl Ports on ASIC"),

2) seperately apply "mls qos trust cos" to any port-channels on this
   ASIC, since the physical interfaces themselves will reject the
   command and

3) enable "mls qos" globally.

When I do this I can configure "priority-queue cos-map 1 5", then the
switch automatically adds some adjusting "wrr-queue cos-map ..." and
"rcv-queue cos-map ..." commands.

And 1) precludes you from using DSCP trust on other interfaces on the
same ASIC. That may or may not be a problem for you.

> Queueing Mode In Rx direction: mode-cos
>     Receive queues [type = 1p1q0t]:
>     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds
>     -----------------------------------------
>        1         Standard            0
>        2         Priority            1
>     queue-limit ratios:    100[queue 1]   0[queue 2]

Could it be the queue-limit? Can you "rcv-queue queue-limit 80 20" or
something similar and see a difference?


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