[c-nsp] Best practice - Core vs Access Router

Andy B. globichen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 08:08:47 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Phil Mayers <p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
>> CPU load is fairly normal at 20-30%
> Is this average or during a performance event? What about the SP and any DFC
> CPUs?

This is average. Performance would go up to 99% if the BGP scanner is
busy, but this does not happen very often.

> What linecards do you have in the box?

#sh mod
Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
  2   48  CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet  WS-X6748-GE-TX     SAD082XXXXX
  5    2  Supervisor Engine 720 (Active)         WS-SUP720-3BXL     SAD084XXXXX
  8    4  CEF720 4 port 10-Gigabit Ethernet      WS-X6704-10GE      SAD114XXXXX
  9    4  CEF720 4 port 10-Gigabit Ethernet      WS-X6704-10GE      SAL110XXXXX

Mod MAC addresses                       Hw    Fw           Sw           Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
  2  0012.435e.07f8 to 0012.435e.0827   2.0   12.2(14r)S5  12.2(18)SXF1 Ok
  5  0011.21b9.ba54 to 0011.21b9.ba57   4.1   8.1(3)       12.2(18)SXF1 Ok
  8  0001.0002.0003 to 0001.0002.0006   1.6   12.2(14r)S5  12.2(18)SXF1 Ok
  9  001a.6c97.d074 to 001a.6c97.d077   2.5   12.2(14r)S5  12.2(18)SXF1 Ok

Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------
  2  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-F6700-CFC       SAL083XXXXX  2.0    Ok
  5  Policy Feature Card 3       WS-F6K-PFC3BXL     SAD084XXXXX  1.4    Ok
  5  MSFC3 Daughterboard         WS-SUP720          SAD084XXXXX  2.2    Ok
  8  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-F6700-CFC       SAL114XXXXX  2.0    Ok
  9  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-F6700-CFC       SAL110XXXXX  2.1    Ok

Mod  Online Diag Status
---- -------------------
  2  Pass
  5  Pass
  8  Pass
  9  Pass

> sh mls cef maximum-routes
> sh mls cef summary

#sh mls cef maximum-routes
FIB TCAM maximum routes :
Current :-
 IPv4 + MPLS         - 512k (default)
 IPv6 + IP Multicast - 256k (default)

#sh mls cef summary

Total routes:                     317940
    IPv4 unicast routes:          315089
    IPv4 Multicast routes:        3
    MPLS routes:                  0
    IPv6 unicast routes:          2848
    IPv6 multicast routes:        59
    EoM routes:                   0

> You say "so that the new router can handle these many MAC addresses"; do you
> have any reason to believe that MAC or adjacency table size is the problem?
> The 6500 can handle 64k MAC addresses at layer2 and variable numbers of
> ARP/layer3 adjacencies.

No, I have no reason. I is just a desperate measure, because despite
plenty of research I could not find out what is causing my core to
become so unresponsive at management and BGP/OSPF level.

> It could be ICMP redirects, or layer2 loops downstream.

How would I detect that?

> How often are these performance problems occurring? Is anything logged on
> the router at the time? What does the output of:

It's at peak times, usually in the evening hours when there is a lot
of traffic. It never happens in the afternoon or late at night -
really only when we reached a certain amount of traffic or packets.

> sh proc cpu | ex 0.00
> remote command switch sh proc cpu | ex 0.00
> sh platform hardware capacity forwarding
> ...say after a window of poor performance? How long do the events last?

It's not peak time yet, but here the current results:

#sh proc cpu sort | e 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 19%/7%; one minute: 35%; five minutes: 32%
 PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
 286    91421068  67890635       1346  0.71%  4.54%  3.63%   0 BGP Router
 322       27520     15152       1816  0.71%  0.33%  0.27%   1 SSH Process
 281    84729936 609049960        139  0.55%  0.20%  0.21%   0 Port manager per
 175    83539116  11590722       7207  0.47%  0.27%  0.25%   0 IPC LC Message H
 169    98408344   5822966      16900  0.31%  0.31%  0.31%   0 Adj Manager
 180    64247088  51118007       1256  0.23%  0.21%  0.19%   0 CEF process
   9    92311304 220943432        417  0.15%  0.29%  0.35%   0 ARP Input
 320    18664520 124379650        150  0.15%  2.57%  1.67%   0 BGP I/O

#remote command switch sh proc cpu | ex 0.00

CPU utilization for five seconds: 56%/16%; one minute: 45%; five minutes: 51%
 PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  42  11658287002654567248        439  3.51%  3.87%  3.84%   0 slcp process
 102   575122192  14545925      39538  1.75%  1.87%  1.93%   0 Vlan Statistics
 106   184036308  36158906       5089  1.19%  0.62%  0.61%   0 FIB Control Time
 127    37679084 135489087        278  0.07%  0.10%  0.11%   0 Spanning Tree
 187    12308164   3092196       3980  0.07%  0.03%  0.05%   0 v6fib stat colle
 232    60786688  23931437       2540  0.15%  0.16%  0.17%   0 Env Poll
 243    11847844   2874615       4121  0.07%  0.04%  0.05%   0 Const MPLS Stats
 248  3799960368 673218956       5644 12.23% 13.87% 16.79%   0 NDE - IPV4
 254    10876832 145705655         74  0.07%  0.06%  0.06%   0 DiagCard9/-1
 257    79331296  46446985       1707  0.23%  0.19%  0.21%   0 CEF process

#sh platform hardware capacity forwarding
L2 Forwarding Resources
           MAC Table usage:   Module  Collisions  Total       Used       %Used
                              5                0  65536       3386          5%

             VPN CAM usage:                       Total       Used       %Used
                                                    512          0          0%
L3 Forwarding Resources
             FIB TCAM usage:                     Total        Used       %Used
                  72 bits (IPv4, MPLS, EoM)     524288      315005         60%
                 144 bits (IP mcast, IPv6)      262144        2911          1%

                     detail:      Protocol                    Used       %Used
                                  IPv4                      315005         60%
                                  MPLS                           0          0%
                                  EoM                            0          0%

                                  IPv6                        2849          1%
                                  IPv4 mcast                     3          1%
                                  IPv6 mcast                    59          1%

            Adjacency usage:                     Total        Used       %Used
                                               1048576        5045          1%

     Forwarding engine load:
                     Module       pps   peak-pps                     peak-time
                     5        4440416   10849623  12:44:28 CEST Mon Dec 21 2009



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