[c-nsp] Best practice - Core vs Access Router

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Tue Feb 9 08:32:24 EST 2010

On (2010-02-09 14:20 +0100), Andy B. wrote:

>   source: x.x.72.173, destination: y.y.161.0, id: 0x611D, ttl: 120,
>   TOS: 0 prot: 6, source port 60922, destination port 47743
>   source: y.y.226.89, destination: x.x.160.112, id: 0x5ADD, ttl: 52,
>   TOS: 0 prot: 6, source port 52067, destination port 18309
> Changes all the time. Sometimes it is empty, but it seems rarely to be the case.

Are these receive addresses in the router or transit?

sh mls cef lookup x.x.160.112
sh mls cef lookup x.x.160.112 detail
<from output A:123>
sh mls cef adjacency entry 123 detail


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