[c-nsp] rate-limit command not accepting ?

Leslie Meade lmeade at signal.ca
Wed Feb 10 14:00:55 EST 2010

I have got a pair of 6509E switches, that we use for our core and they are connected with fiber ether channels.
The plan is to use the 2nd for a failover core if the 1st has failed. My testing has failover working fine. But when I add a rate limit command on the vlan interface it is not allowing me.

This is what I have on my primary core for a vlan int

interface Vlan7
description Twilight_Production 
 ip address
ip access-group USM in
ip helper-address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
ip flow ingress
rate-limit input 2096000 128000 128000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
rate-limit output 2096000 128000 128000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
ip route-cache flow
no ip mroute-cache
mls netflow sampling
standby 15 ip
standby 15 priority 250
standby 15 preempt

But when I add the rate-limit commands on the 2nd core I get this

DTCCAT-CORE01(config)#interface Vlan7
DTCCAT-CORE01(config-if)# rate-limit input 2096000 128000 128000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

DTCCAT-CORE01(config-if)# rate-limit output 2096000 128000 128000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Both are running the same IOS of s3223_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9_WAN-M, both have the same PFC and MSFC cards ?

Any ideas ?

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