[c-nsp] Limit port usage on a cisco 3550

Yuri Selivanov uri at tomsknet.ru
Tue Jun 1 22:19:53 EDT 2010

		Hi there!

> The 3550 Switch doesn't support egress policing or shaping at less then line
> rate.

	There's only one case when you can *DO* egress policing on
cat3550 platform but you're restricted to use *ONLY*:

 --  class-map w/ "match ip dscp"
 --  action = "police"
  http://tinyurl.com/2a94rx4  --> Step #14

mls qos
class-map match-all SCAVENGER
  match ip dscp cs1 
policy-map EGRESS
    police 8000 8000 exceed-action drop
interface FastEthernet0/1
 service-policy output EGRESS
 mls qos trust dscp
 mls qos monitor dscp 8
 mls qos monitor packets

dut-3550#sh mls qos interface fastEthernet 0/1 statistics | b Egress
  dscp: incoming   no_change  classified policed    dropped (in pkts)
    8 : 1000          n/a       n/a      0          52        
Others: 88            n/a       n/a      0          0         

dut-3550#sh ver | i IOS
Cisco IOS Software, C3550 Software (C3550-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(25)SEE4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)



Best Regards,
Yuri Selivanov

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