[c-nsp] confed as-path length preservatopm

David Freedman david.freedman at uk.clara.net
Fri May 21 10:55:29 EDT 2010

Tim Durack wrote:
> Is there anyway to route-map convert confed as-path into a normal
> as-path? I'm trying to preserve as-path length outside a confed (this
> is actually for a private VPN using BGP, not the Internet.)
> I'm looking for something like:
> (65001 65002 65003) -> ASn ASn ASn
> Creative ideas are welcomed!

Not that I know of, you should really be using MED for this kind of
inter-subconfederation BGP TE, but if you must use the path, you can
always count it on ingress (and then set attributes based on it),

ip as-path access-list X permit \([0-9]+\)

(this will match one subconfederation traversed)


David Freedman
Group Network Engineering
Claranet Group

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