[c-nsp] Unstable IOS Version for LNS on Cisco 7206 NPE-G2

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Thu Nov 11 15:58:17 EST 2010

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Matlock, Kenneth L
<MatlockK at exempla.org> wrote:
> Always, huh?
> So it's 100% not possible ever for one or more memory locations to get corrupted (due to a bad memory chip), and put an invalid pointer in an array, and the IOS uses that pointer to access a memory area it's not supposed/allowed to?
> I'm not sure what perfect world you live in, but it certainly doesn't match reality. Hardware problems can (and frequently DO) appear as software issues....
> Ken

Which was exactly my point (and experience).

SegV is Segementation Violation, happens whenever the MMU detects the
current instruction accessing memory it's not allowed to.  Could be
due to a software or hardware bug.  Hardware putting bad pointers into
IO Memory, or software corrupting memory, or hardware corrupting
memory, etc.

SegV by itself is meaningless really.  Other than to say the CPU tried
to access memory that it was not allowed to at the time it did.  I
don't care what the Cisco document says, it's just flat out wrong and
Cisco isn't always right, almost anyone on this list can attest to a
time or two where the big C was very wrong.  Take whats happening with
CCO and ftp logins! lol :)

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