[c-nsp] ECMP failing over time?
John Neiberger
jneiberger at gmail.com
Sun Oct 3 11:14:23 EDT 2010
Interesting. That would be something if we were really running into
CEF polarization instead of (or perhaps in addition to) ECMP
polarization. I'm reading some documents about it now and I've also
updated our TAC case to get some guidance. We maintenance scheduled
tonight at midnight to change the ECMP hash to next-hop-based. If we
need to make a CEF change, we'd better do it at the same time.
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Chris Evans <chrisccnpspam2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I beleive what you guys are referring to is cef polarization.. we
> implement extra commands at every other tier to fight this.. I just can't
> remember them right now lol.
> On Oct 3, 2010 3:47 AM, "Reinhold Fischer" <reinhold.fischer at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Is "ip multicast multipath" enabled? Take care of the usage guidlines
>> and limitations before enabling it ...
>> hth
>> Reinhold
>> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 7:10 AM, John Neiberger <jneiberger at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> This is entirely multicast. We used the s-g-hash to lock each S,G to a
>>> link, but we didn't think it through. We really should have started
>>> out using the next-hop-based hash so that the same S,G can be served
>>> by any link in the group. With s-g-hash, it always gets locked to the
>>> same bundle.
>>> However, I just thought of another potential culprit. I'm going to
>>> have to think it through, though.
>>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Keegan Holley
>>> <keegan.holley at sungard.com> wrote:
>>>> I've seen similar effects. I'm not sure there's a method to evenly
>>>> distribute traffic for an indefinite period. I'm also not sure what
>>>> you're
>>>> routing, but the problems I've seen are usually caused by the fact that
>>>> each
>>>> flow/hash result differs in size and duration. Adding extra variables
>>>> to
>>>> the equation always helps, but it's almost impossible to keep an even
>>>> spread. I suppose your current goal is to simply stop the outages
>>>> though.
>>>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 7:17 PM, John Neiberger <jneiberger at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I hate to answer my own question, but I think I figured it out. We're
>>>>> using s-g-hash basic, which is prone to polarization. I think that's
>>>>> what we're seeing. Our traffic has become polarized and has developed
>>>>> an affinity for a subset of links in our "bundles". I'm recommending
>>>>> that we switch to s-g-hash next-hop-based to see if that resolves the
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 2:18 PM, John Neiberger <jneiberger at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > We converted several connections last week from Etherchannels to
>>>>> > routed links with ECMP. We verified that traffic was load-sharing
>>>>> > over
>>>>> > those links after making the change. Now, a week later, we are seeing
>>>>> > instances where traffic is preferring one or two links out of each
>>>>> > "bundle". In some cases all the traffic is flowing over a single link
>>>>> > in a four-link setup. This is overloading those connections and we
>>>>> > can't figure out why. We are using s-g-hash basic. Should we switch
>>>>> > to
>>>>> > s-g-hash next-hop-based?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This is causing production issues right now, so I've opened up a TAC
>>>>> > case, but I thought I'd ask here, as well, just in case someone had
>>>>> > seen this before.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>> > John
>>>>> >
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