[c-nsp] ASR QoS

Kenny Sallee kenny.sallee at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 14:12:02 EDT 2010

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Jaquish, Bret <Bret.Jaquish at navistar.com>wrote:

> Does anyone know if the ASR routing platform does network shaping at the
> microsecond level and what the minimum value is of Tc or the shaping window?
The ASR QoS is fairly complicated from what I've read about and I don't have
the direct answer - but perhaps this does?


I've tried to keep the policy simple in my environment.  My requirements are
to send all voice first, terminal type stuff next (telnet and others based
on an ACL I've specified), and let the rest compete for output bandwidth.
 Basically setup like this:

policy-map s0-1-0-physical
 class voice
    priority level 1
   set ip precedence 5
 class interactive
    priority level 2
   set ip precedence 4
 class enterprise-apps
   set ip precedence 2
 class class-default
   set ip precedence 0
int s0/1/0
 service-policy output s0-1-0-physical

I have a bunch of frame-relay sub-interfaces off s0/1/0 and I want to be
able to over-provision and get as many customers on this as I can.   I have
it applied to the physical interface of a back-to-back frame circuit to a
MPLS PE router.

>From my research the QFP will send voice first (priority level 1 - if
present), class interactive next (priority lvel 2 - telnet), and you can see
the rest.  Seems to work great - tho I have not reached a congestion point
yet.  I'm open to discussions or other config examples to solve my problem
that applies to the unique ASR QoS platform.


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