[c-nsp] IP plan management tool

Dominik Bay d.bay at rrbone-bb.net
Thu Sep 16 05:39:55 EDT 2010

On Tue, 7 Sep 2010 20:31:24 +0200
Bøvre Jon Harald <Jon.Harald.Bovre at hafslund.no> wrote:

> Great
> From any of these: Is it possible to register the same IPrange
> several times? Example: might be used by several
> different customers in different MPLS VPN's. DHCP/DNS functionality
> would probably be disabled unless the DHCP server are MPLS aware in
> some way

I'm working with HaCi and it's working very well for IPv4/IPv6.
You can allocate the same networks under different roots.

A nice feature would be a built-in whois-Server, including a
prefix-list generator, but that is still missing AFAIK :-)

Kind regards,

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