[c-nsp] AToM/EoMPLS & LDP on Sup2/MSFC2/PFC2

Jason Lixfeld jason at lixfeld.ca
Sun Sep 19 11:26:10 EDT 2010

I'm looking to potentially use a Sup2 based 6500 as a AToM/EoMPLS PE/LER with customers terminating on various X6248, X6348, X6516 and X6408A ports.


In a perfect world, port based and VLAN based (the implication being that interworking support would need to be there too), in either case, the far end of the VC would be to a NPE-G1 flavored PE/LER of some sort.

Google has shown me configuration example of a Sup2 doing SVI based EoMPLS, but that confuses the heck out of me because I know that, for example, in Sup720 land, you can't do SVI based unless you have an ES card or a SIP.  If this is true and it does actually work, would this just be the difference between the Sup2 doing it in software vs. the Sup720/ES|SIP doing it in hardware?

Hoping some people here have some practical experience one way or the other.

Thanks in advance.

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