[c-nsp] QoS: Shaping and Queueing on different Levels (physical IF, sub IF)

Hendrik Kahmann hendrik at kahmann.net
Thu Aug 25 06:06:40 EDT 2011


I am just working on a QoS configuration on Cisco 19xx and 29xx and could
need some help.

What I want to do:

1. I have got a configuration with up to six VRF-instances per router and
for each of this there is a vlan-subinterface unter gi0/0.

2. I want to shape all the traffic on gi0/0 to some bandwidth (i.e.

3. I want to prioritize voice-, best-effort and interactive traffic for all
the traffic leaving on gi0/0.

Base configuration:

class-map match-any traffic-high
 match dscp cs3
class-map match-any traffic-voice
 match dscp cs5
policy-map my-queuing 
class class-default
   	bandwidth remaining percent 60
   	queue-limit 40
class traffic-high
   	bandwidth remaining percent 40
   	queue-limit 20
class traffic-voice
   	priority percent 40
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.100
 encapsulation dot1Q 100
 ip vrf forwarding blue
 ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.200
 encapsulation dot1Q 200
 ip vrf forwarding yellow
 ip address

How can I achieve this? All the config I did until know was rejected by IOS
or not working as desired. Any hints or recommendations would be welcome!

Kind regards,


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