[c-nsp] Catalyst SLA for dummies (if even possible?)

Jeff Kell jeff-kell at utc.edu
Sat Feb 12 14:05:40 EST 2011

I've been handed down an upstairs decree of providing some more
"concrete" SLA / availability / downtime / etc usage over time from our
network and external connectivity.

We have a few different internal monitoring systems (pulling some
typical SNMP stats, or ping availability), but none of the monitoring
systems in question have the uptime remotely approaching our network
uptime :)

I've noticed at least fragments of "ip sla" are available on at least
upper-end Catalysts (6500s).  Our network is 6500s core, and
distribution anything from 4500s to layer-3 3550/3560/3750s.  Are there
enough bits and pieces available for some useful SLA monitoring?

Is there an "SLA for dummies" summary/examples/pointers somewhere,
especially with a Catalyst slant? 


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