[c-nsp] Older Cisco Routers - which one to go with?

Graham Wooden graham at g-rock.net
Thu Feb 17 14:01:16 EST 2011

Hi there,

It's a toss-up between a 2651XM or a 2801 (because of budget  
constraints), for a 20Mb Ethernet circuit that will do moderate QoS  
and ACLs. No BGP, just static routes.

The IOS's on both are relatively recent IP Services, and both have  
their RAM maxed.

I am leaning on using the 2801, but thought to throw this out there  
and see any recommendations based on prior experience.

What would you use between the two? Unfortunately, these are the only  
two that I can go with, or I would have sealed this decision shut with  
a 7200XVR w/ NPE-400 and call it done.


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