[c-nsp] Advice: Which routers to purchase ?

Łukasz Bromirski lukasz at bromirski.net
Fri Jan 28 18:48:51 EST 2011

On 2011-01-29 00:21, Gert Doering wrote:

> Might be a good edge box, but certainly not something I'd buy for a
> "full BGP" setup today.  My bet is that we'll hit 512k (IPv4+IPv6) in
> less than two years from now.

We may.

> (Side note: 7201 is based on NPE-G2, not NPE-G1)

Right, 7301 was based on a NPE-G1. That was before morning coffee :P

"There's no sense in being precise when |               Łukasz Bromirski
  you don't know what you're talking     |      jid:lbromirski at jabber.org
  about."               John von Neumann |    http://lukasz.bromirski.net

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