[c-nsp] etherchannel load-balancing and unpredictability

Jeff Kell jeff-kell at utc.edu
Tue Jul 19 21:16:20 EDT 2011

On 7/19/2011 8:22 PM, Keegan Holley wrote:
> The being said the other algorithms are just as unpredictable for just
> the same reasons. It depends completely on your traffic patterns.
> Adding TCP/UDP port may even this out a bit but I don't believe it is
> supported on the 3560.

3550: (config)#port-channel load-balance ?
  dst-mac  Dst Mac Addr
  src-mac  Src Mac Addr

3560/3560G/3560S/3750/3750E/3570X: (config)#port-channel load-balance ?
  dst-ip       Dst IP Addr
  dst-mac      Dst Mac Addr
  src-dst-ip   Src XOR Dst IP Addr
  src-dst-mac  Src XOR Dst Mac Addr
  src-ip       Src IP Addr
  src-mac      Src Mac Addr

The 4500 can do ports:

4500(config)#port-channel load-balance ?
  dst-ip        Dst IP Addr
  dst-mac       Dst Mac Addr
  dst-port      Dst TCP/UDP Port
  src-dst-ip    Src XOR Dst IP Addr
  src-dst-mac   Src XOR Dst Mac Addr
  src-dst-port  Src XOR Dst TCP/UDP Port
  src-ip        Src IP Addr
  src-mac       Src Mac Addr
  src-port      Src TCP/UDP Port

The 6500 certainly does in several flavors :)

Sup2(config)#port-channel load-balance ?
  dst-ip        Dst IP Addr
  dst-mac       Dst Mac Addr
  dst-port      Dst TCP/UDP Port
  src-dst-ip    Src XOR Dst IP Addr
  src-dst-mac   Src XOR Dst Mac Addr
  src-dst-port  Src XOR Dst TCP/UDP Port
  src-ip        Src IP Addr
  src-mac       Src Mac Addr
  src-port      Src TCP/UDP Port

Sup720(config)#port-channel load-balance ?
  dst-ip                 Dst IP Addr
  dst-mac                Dst Mac Addr
  dst-mixed-ip-port      Dst IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port
  dst-port               Dst TCP/UDP Port
  mpls                   Load Balancing for MPLS packets
  src-dst-ip             Src XOR Dst IP Addr
  src-dst-mac            Src XOR Dst Mac Addr
  src-dst-mixed-ip-port  Src XOR Dst IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port
  src-dst-port           Src XOR Dst TCP/UDP Port
  src-ip                 Src IP Addr
  src-mac                Src Mac Addr
  src-mixed-ip-port      Src IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port
  src-port               Src TCP/UDP Port

And with that I've about exhausted my model inventory :)


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