[c-nsp] VRF-lite configuration - BGP and Local Routes

Joseph Hardeman jwhardeman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 22:48:25 EDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

I am hoping that someone can give me some guidance with how to setup
VRF-Lite and routing with BGP and intra-vrf routing.  I have been playing
with this for about a week now and figured out how to setup vrf-lite to a
certain point.  I know if I apply the ip vrf xx to an interface such as
physical, loopback, or vlan I can pass traffic up or down it on the same
vrf, including if I set the vrf on an interface going outbound to a BGP
peering neighbor I can pull in their bgp announcements to that vrf, but what
I am having problems with is can this be done via the Global BGP routing
table?  Or can I somehow do a Global Leak so that the VRF can communicate
out of its area to the remote peer?

I hope I am clear here, if not I will be happy to share my testing
configuration.  Basically we are wanting to separate 2 networks so that they
have their own BGP Routing tables so they have different routes out but at
the same time be able to communicate between all of the local networks the
router has installed on it.



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