[c-nsp] Round trip time internet providers

Martin Barry marty at supine.com
Tue Jul 26 05:31:36 EDT 2011

$quoted_author = "Alexandre Durand" ;
> We manage multi-home transit providers around our network and they
> don t provide us RTT graphs about RTT depending on geographical
> locations. Is there a way to know and get such information ? Let s
> say for example, we want to compare UK routes originated from 2
> providers interoute and opentransit ,so we can make preferences over
> communities and so on ... depending on best RTT results.

Given the number of prefixes in a full feed it's not surprising that
providers don't provide this.

You need to select remote prefixes that are important to you or provide a
representative sample for a particular network or geographic region and then
put in place your own monitoring.

It's quite common to use communities to select routes on more deterministic
parameters like where the route was learnt or who it was learnt from, and
then layer on top some custom tweaking for prefixes where the result is
still sub-optimal. But there is no "one size fits all" approach which is why
you need to invest time and resources in implementing this for your network.


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